Precious Echoes Practice includes reading the Heart Sutra and the meditations of Concise Red Tara and Chenrezig. Precious Echoes Practice is open to everyone.
Meeting ID: 427246178
Password: 022970
Dial-in: 1-669-900-6853
There is no charge for these teachings. You may make a donation here.
* In order to accommodate our expanding livestream schedule, Rigdzin Ling will livestream Tsok Feasts according to the conventional calendar, not the lunar calendar.
Note: members must Login to access member pricing. click here to learn about membership.
Send LIVESTREAM to 833-410-0363 to receive a text message reminder prior to every livestream teaching or practice that you wish to attend. You will immediately receive a reply that will enable you to select which event you want to be reminded about. This secure number is only used for these reminders.
15 minutes prior to every Precious Echoes Practice and The Way of the Bodhisattva Teachings you will receive a text message reminder with the login and password.
One day prior to every livestream Tsok Feast Practice, you will receive a reminder with the login and password.
Note: members must Login to access member pricing.
If you’re unable to afford an event, volunteering is a great way to attend. Volunteers help support retreats and events by cleaning, helping in the kitchen and fulfilling various tasks when necessary. Their contributions are invaluble to the Dharma activities of Rigdzin Ling.
If you’re interested in volunteering for an event, send an email to and you’ll hear back from us within a few days.
Making an offering to the event scholarship creates the conditions for those with limited financial resources to be able to attend retreats and teachings.
Just as light dispels darkness, the lamp represents the removal of ignorance so that you and all beings can attain the wisdom of enlightened mind.
Tsogs are hosted on relevant lunar days at several centers. Sangha members may make offerings to tsog as a way of dedicating merit and participating from afar.
Your generous offering supports the conditions for the maintenance and expansion of Rigdzin Ling's facilities, infrastructure and sacred structures.